5 Necessary steps to learn the piano

5 Necessary steps to learn the piano
Table of contents
  1. Step 1: Know the notes well
  2. Step 2: Get to know your keyboard
  3. Step 3: Practice linking notes
  4. Step 4: note durations
  5. Step 5: Begin with easy pieces

Like many, you may dream of playing the piano, but are held back by the extent of the effort it will take to get there. However, if you are truly motivated you shouldn't dwell on this idea that doesn't mean that won't be able to play it. You can learn how to play piano in this article.

Step 1: Know the notes well

This is the essential step for any musician: knowing the notes and learning to read them on a staff. This is a tedious step that puts off many beginners and yet it is the key to independence. To be able to decipher any sheet music afterwards. All of these symbols will seem strange to you at first, but just like the alphabet, when it clicks, you will be able to read the notes naturally. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do, are the different notes, they are differentiated by their position on the staff. Their position indicates the key in which you should play them.

Step 2: Get to know your keyboard

Second important step is to know your instrument well. The piano is made up of black keys and white keys. Quarter notes are used to play sharps (#) and flats (b). On a keyboard, they are in groups of 2 and 3.a group of 5 black keys (1 group of 2 and 1 group of 3) and adjoining white keys constitutes a scale which starts from C (the white key to the left of the group of 2 black keys) to arrive at B.

Step 3: Practice linking notes

Start by playing C - Re - Mi moving up and down until you are comfortable with the keys. Then do the same with Fa - Sol - La - ti. Feel free to experiment with different sequences to train your fingers to move smoothly on the keyboard.

Step 4: note durations

Each note you read tells you how long you need to press the key. The most common are: The round: it lasts 4 times. The white: it lasts 2 times. The black one: it lasts 1 beat, The eighth note: it lasts ½ beat. It is in particular these different note durations that give rhythm to a piece, to make it more dynamic.

Step 5: Begin with easy pieces

Now that you know how to decipher a sheet music and that you know how to find the notes on the keyboard, it is time to stretch your fingers on a piece. To get started, you can, for example, start on "In the moonlight". To be more comfortable, start by playing the song with both hands separately: the right hand for the melody than the left hand for the accompaniment. When you are completely comfortable with both hands, play both parts together. Successfully coordinating your hands will be difficult at first, but if you work hard you will get there without a problem!

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